About Lab. Research Members Achievements Links




  1. Junhuan Li, Seiya Yamamoto, Kouji Inagaki, Kenta Arima

    Nanocarbon-assisted chemical etching of Ge(100) in H2O2

    Electrochemistry Communications, vol. 163, pp. 107735-1- 5

  2. Junhuan Li, Kouji Inagaki, Kenta Arima

    First-principles simulations of scanning tunneling microscopy images exhibiting anomalous dot patterns on armchair-edged graphene nanoribbons

    Physical Review Research, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 013252-1- 9

  3. Kenta Arima, Junhuan Li, Shiika Murase, Kouji Inagaki

    Selective Wet Etching of Semiconductor Materials by Novel Catalyst-assisted Modes

    ECS Transactions, vol. 114, no. 1, pp. 17- 26

  4. Yuji Hamamoto, Takanori Shimada, Tomohiro Kimura, Kouji Inagaki, Ikutaro Hamada, Yoshitada Morikawa

    Van der Waals density functional study of n -alkane adsorbed on metal surfaces

    Physical Review B, vol. 110, no. 7, pp. 075409-1- 13

  5. John Isaac G. Enriquez, Harry Handoko Halim, Takahiro Yamasaki, Masato Michiuchi, Kouji Inagaki, Masaaki Geshi, Ikutaro Hamada, Yoshitada Morikawa

    Origin of the surface facet dependence in the thermal degradation of the diamond (111) and (100) surfaces in vacuum investigated by machine learning molecular dynamics simulations

    Carbon, vol. 226, pp. 119223-1- 11

  6. Misa Nishino, Kouji Inagaki, Yoshitada Morikawa, Kazuya Yamamura, Yuji Ohkubo

    Identification of chemical species on plasma-treated polytetrafluoroethylene surface by ab-initio calculations of core-energy-level shift in X-ray photoelectron spectra

    Applied Surface Science, vol. 655, pp. 159369-1- 10

  7. John Isaac G. Enriquez, Takahiro Yamasaki, Masato Michiuchi, Kouji Inagaki, Masaaki Geshi, Ikutaro Hamada, Yoshitada Morikawa

    Origin of the Surface Facet Dependence in the Oxidative Etching of the Diamond (111) and (100) Surfaces from First-Principles Calculations

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 128, no. 15, pp. 6294-6308

  8. Thanh Ngoc Pham, Beatriz Andrea Choi Tan, Yuji Hamamoto, Kouji Inagaki, Ikutaro Hamada, Yoshitada Morikawa

    Stability of PdxOy Particles Supported on Strontium Titanate Perovskite under Three-Way Catalyst Operating Conditions: Implications for Sintering Resistance

    ACS Catalysis, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1443-1458


  1. 有馬健太

    大阪大学大学院工学研究科 ナノ表面界面工学領域の紹介

    応用物理学会 薄膜・表面物理分科会 News Letter, no. 187, pp. 2- 6, 2024年6月20日


  1. Kenta Arima [招待講演]

    Graphene-based flakes: From application to catalyst-assisted chemical etching to unique electronic structures

    ALC '24 (15th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterization for New Materials and Devices), 20a-B-6, 2024年11月20日, Matsue (Japan)

  2. Kenta Arima, Junhuan Li, Shiika Murase, Kouji Inagaki [招待講演]

    Selective Wet Etching of Semiconductor Materials by Novel Catalyst-assisted Modes

    PRiME 2024 (Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science), G02-2267, 2024年10月10日, Honolulu (USA)

  3. Junhuan Li, Kouji Inagaki, Kenta Arima

    First-principles Simulations to Unveil The Origin of Unique Dot Patterns in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images of Finite-sized Graphene Sheets

    ACSIN-15 (15th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures), P12, 2024年5月11日, Suzhou (China)


  1. 山本聖也、李君寰、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    第85回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 20p-C43-2, 2024年9月20日, 朱鷺メッセ(新潟県新潟市)

  2. 村瀬詩花、東知樹、稲垣耕司、有馬健太

    Si トレンチ構造底部からの光電子の検出とその特性

    第85回 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 20a-P05-2, 2024年9月20日, 朱鷺メッセ(新潟県新潟市)

  3. 橋本龍人、宇野瑞真、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    2024年度精密工学会 秋季大会学術講演会, C100, 2024年9月6日, 岡山大学(岡山県岡山市)

  4. 高橋亜弓、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    2024年度精密工学会 秋季大会学術講演会, C99, 2024年9月6日, 岡山大学(岡山県岡山市)

  5. 有馬健太 [招待講演]


    電気化学会 第88回半導体・集積回路技術シンポジウム, S04, 2024年8月26日, 東京理科大学 森戸記念館(東京都新宿区)

  6. 村瀬詩花、東知樹、稲垣耕司、有馬健太

    ~Si トレンチ構造底部からの光電子の検出とその特性~

    精密工学会 2024年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 56-J, pp. 112-113, 2024年6月21日, 立命館大学 大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪府茨木市)

  7. 高橋亜弓、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    精密工学会 2024年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 55-J, pp. 110-111, 2024年6月21日, 立命館大学 大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪府茨木市)

  8. 山本聖也、李君寰、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    精密工学会 2024年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 12-C, pp. 24-25, 2024年6月21日, 立命館大学 大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪府茨木市)

  9. 橋本龍人、宇野瑞真、稲垣耕司、有馬健太

    全ウエットプロセスによるSi 原子層シートの創製に関する研究
    ~SOI 層表面の構造制御に向けたウェットエッチング条件の最適化~

    精密工学会 2024年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 11-C, pp. 22-23, 2024年6月21日, 立命館大学 大阪いばらきキャンパス(大阪府茨木市)

  10. 竹内 鉄朗、Tran Duong、橋本 龍人、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    2024年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, G50, pp. 722-723, 2024年3月13日, 東京⼤学 本郷キャンパス(東京都文京区)

  11. 村瀬詩花、東知樹、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    2024年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会, G49, pp. 720-721, 2024年3月13日, 東京⼤学 本郷キャンパス(東京都文京区)

  12. 高野宏樹、尾辻正幸、宮川彰平、佐野修斗、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    第31回精密工学会学生全員卒業研究発表講演会, K18, pp. 111-112, 2024年3月12日, 東京⼤学 本郷キャンパス(東京都文京区)

  13. 村瀬詩花、東知樹、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    第31回精密工学会学生全員卒業研究発表講演会, I16, pp. 21-22, 2024年3月12日, 東京⼤学 本郷キャンパス(東京都文京区)

  14. 高橋亜弓、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    第31回精密工学会学生全員卒業研究発表講演会, I08, pp. 13-14, 2024年3月12日, 東京⼤学 本郷キャンパス(東京都文京区)

  15. 川上千穂、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    第31回精密工学会学生全員卒業研究発表講演会, I03, pp. 5-6, 2024年3月12日, 東京⼤学 本郷キャンパス(東京都文京区)


  1. 村瀬詩花

    Poster Award

    公益社団法人 応用物理学会, 2024年11月13日

  2. Junhuan Li

    Best Poster Award

    ACSIN-15 (15th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures), 2024年5月13日

  3. 村瀬詩花


    大阪大学 工学部, 2024年3月5日



  1. Changqing Ye, Takuma Hattori, Yuji Hamamoto, Pawel Krukowski, Kouji Inagaki, Akira Saito, Hideji Osuga, Yoshitada Morikawa, Yuji Kuwahara

    Chiral Recognition Mechanism of Two-Dimensional Self-Assembly Formed by [7]Thiaheterohelicene

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 127, no. 43, pp. 21305-21312

  2. Daisetsu Toh, Kiyoto Kayao, Pho Van Bui, Kouji Inagaki, Yoshitada Morikawa, Kazuto Yamauchi, Yasuhisa Sano

    Catalyst enhancement approach for improving the removal rate and stability of silica glass polishing via catalyzed chemical etching in pure water

    Precision Engineering, vol. 84, pp. 21-27

  3. Muhammad Rifqi Al Fauzan, Thanh Ngoc Pham, Harry Handoko Halim, Yuji Hamamoto, Kouji Inagaki, Ikutaro Hamada, Yoshitada Morikawa

    First-Principles Microkinetic Study of NO Reduction on Cu Catalysts

    Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 127, no. 39, pp. 19451-19467

  4. Nian Liu, Kentaro Sugimoto, Naoya Yoshitaka, Hideaki Yamada, Rongyan Sun, Kenta Arima and Kazuya Yamamura

    Highly efficient finishing of large-sized single crystal diamond substrates by combining nanosecond pulsed laser trimming and plasma-assisted polishing

    Ceramics International, vol. 49, no. 11, pp. 19109-19123


  1. 有馬健太


    TECHNO NET, vol. 601, pp. 4-5, 2023年10月

  2. 有馬健太


    生産と技術, vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 34-36, 2023年7月10日


  1. 有馬健太(分担執筆)

    [第6章 第3節] 触媒アシストエッチングの反応機構と最新加工事例

    先端半導体製造プロセスの最新動向と微細化技術, (株)技術情報協会, pp. 435-444, 2023年9月29日


  1. Kenta Arima, Zhida Ma, Tetsuro Takeuchi, Ryuto Hashimoto, Rongyan Sun, Kazuya Yamamura

    Wet Chemical Processing to Form Nanotrenches along Step Edges on a Vicinal Si(111) Surface Composed of Terraces and Atomic Steps

    2023 MRS Spring Meeting, EL07.02.06, 2023年4月11日, San Francisco (USA)


  1. 山本聖也、有馬健太

    ナノカーボンの触媒作用を援用したGe表面の選択エッチング ーエッチング液に添加した酸化剤がエッチング特性に与える影響ー

    応用物理学会 界面ナノ電子化学研究会 第8回ポスター発表展, 20, 2023年11月27日, ナガセグローバル人材開発センター(東京都渋谷区)

  2. 李君寰、有馬健太


    応用物理学会 界面ナノ電子化学研究会 第8回ポスター発表展, 3, 2023年11月27日, ナガセグローバル人材開発センター(東京都渋谷区)

  3. Shiika Murase, Tomoki Higashi, Kouji Inagaki, Kenta Arima

    Novel non-destructive method to evaluate cleaning performances of three-dimensional nanostructures on Si ∼Angle-resolved photoemission spectra of Au resided at the bottoms of deep trenches on Si∼

    2023年日本表面真空学会学術講演会, 1Hp05, 1Hp05(2ページ), 2023年10月31日, 名古屋国際会議場(名古屋市)

  4. Tomoki Higashi, Shiika Murase, Kouji Inagaki, Kenta Arima

    Novel non-destructive method to evaluate cleaning performances of three-dimensional nanostructures on Si ∼Au embedding at the bottoms of deep trenches on Si by metal-assisted chemical etching∼

    2023年日本表面真空学会学術講演会, 1Hp04, 1Hp04(2ページ), 2023年10月31日, 名古屋国際会議場(名古屋市)

  5. 李 君寰、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 22p-A501-8, 05-255, 2023年9月22日, 熊本城ホール他(熊本市)

  6. 山本 聖也、李 君寰、稲垣 耕司、有馬 健太


    第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 21p-B203-2, 12-150, 2023年9月21日, 熊本城ホール他(熊本市)

  7. 橋本 龍人、竹内 鉄朗、稲垣 耕司、有馬 健太


    第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 21p-B203-1, 12-149, 2023年9月21日, 熊本城ホール他(熊本市)

  8. 稲垣耕司、有馬健太

    エッチングの理論解析 -第一原理計算と機械学習ポテンシャル計算-

    第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 20p-A202-5, 100000001-051, 2023年9月20日, 熊本城ホール他(熊本市)

  9. 竹内鉄朗、橋本龍人、馬智達、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    2023年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, D83, pp. 328-329, 2023年9月15日, 福岡工業大学(福岡市)

  10. 佐野修斗、和田陽平、稲垣耕司、有馬健太

    水分子吸着が GeO2/Ge 界面特性に与える影響の超精密計測とその考察

    2023年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, D88, pp. 334-335, 2023年9月15日, 福岡工業大学(福岡市)

  11. 東知樹、村瀬詩花、稲垣耕司、有馬健太

    Si 表面の溝底部への金属原子の埋め込みと光電子検出特性の評価

    2023年度精密工学会秋季大会学術講演会, D89, pp. 336-337, 2023年9月15日, 福岡工業大学(福岡市)

  12. 竹内鉄郎、橋本龍人、馬智達、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    精密工学会2023年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 17-C, pp. 34-35, 2023年6月23日, リーガロイヤルホテル京都(京都市)

  13. 佐野修斗、和田陽平、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    精密工学会2023年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 16-C, pp. 32-33, 2023年6月23日, リーガロイヤルホテル京都(京都市)

  14. 山本聖也、李 君寰、稲垣耕司、有馬健太

    ナノカーボンの触媒作用を援用した半導体表面の選択エッチング ―エッチング液に添加した酸化剤がエッチング特性に与える影響―

    精密工学会2023年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 14-C, pp. 28-29, 2023年6月23日, リーガロイヤルホテル京都(京都市)

  15. 李 君寰、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    精密工学会2023年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 11-C, pp. 22-23, 2023年6月23日, リーガロイヤルホテル京都(京都市)

  16. 橋本龍人、竹内鉄郎、稲垣耕司、有馬健太

    全ウエットプロセスによるSi原子層シートの創製に関する研究 ―ウエットエッチングによるSOI層表面の構造制御―

    精密工学会2023年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 9-C, pp. 18-19, 2023年6月23日, リーガロイヤルホテル京都(京都市)

  17. 東知樹、村瀬詩花、稲垣耕司、有馬健太


    精密工学会2023年度関西地方定期学術講演会, 8-C, pp. 16-17, 2023年6月23日, リーガロイヤルホテル京都(京都市)


  1. 竹内鉄朗


    公益社団法人 精密工学会, 2023年11月14日

  2. 李君寰


    公益社団法人 精密工学会, 2023年6月13日



  1. Ayumi Ogasawara, Kentaro Kawai, Kazuya Yamamura and Kenta Arima

    Nanocarbon-Induced Etching Property of Semiconductor Surfaces: Testing Nanocarbon's Catalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction Reaction at a Single-Sheet Level

    ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 041001 1-5 (2022).

  2. Zhida Ma, Seiya Masumoto, Kentaro Kawai, Kazuya Yamamura, and Kenta Arima

    Separation of Neighboring Terraces on Flattened Si(111) Surface by Selective Etching along Step Edges Using Total Wet-chemical Processing

    Langmuir, Vol. 38, No. 12, pp. 3748-3754 (2022).

  3. Nian Liu, Kentaro Sugimoto, Naoya Yoshitaka, Hideaki Yamada, Rongyan Sun, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Kazuya Yamamura

    Effects of polishing pressure and sliding speed on the material removal mechanism of single crystal diamond in plasma-assisted polishing

    Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 124, pp. 108899 1-16 (2022).

  4. Xiaozhe Yang, Xu Yang, Haiyang Gu, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Kazuya Yamamura

    Efficient and slurryless ultrasonic vibration assisted electrochemical mechanical polishing for 4H–SiC wafers

    Ceramics International, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 7570-7583 (2022).

  5. Xiaozhe Yang, Xu Yang, Haiyang Gu, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima and Kazuya Yamamura

    Charge Utilization Efficiency and Side Reactions in the Electrochemical Mechanical Polishing of 4H-SiC (0001)

    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 169, No. 2, pp. 023501 (2022).

  6. Yuki Miyata, Yasunori Nakamukai, Cassia Tiemi Azevedo, Ayano Tsuchida, Miho Morita, Yasushi Oshikane, Junichi Uchikoshi, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Mizuho Morita

    Electroluminescence in metal-oxide-semiconductor tunnel diodes with a crystalline silicon/silicon dioxide quantum well

    Micro and Nanostructures, Vol. 166, pp. 207228 1-10 (2022).

  7. Junhuan Li, Shaoxian Li, Tomoki Higashi, Kentaro Kawai, Kouji Inagaki, Kazuya Yamamura, and Kenta Arima

    Atomic-scale insights into the origin of rectangular lattice in nanographene probed by scanning tunneling microscopy

    Physical Review B, Vol. 103, pp. 245433 1-9 (2021).【Full-text link

  8. Nian Liu, Hideaki Yamada, Naoya Yoshitaka, Kentaro Sugimoto, Rongyan Sun, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Kazuya Yamamura

    Comparison of surface and subsurface damage of mosaic single-crystal diamond substrate processed by mechanical and plasma-assisted polishing

    Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 119, pp. 108555 1-8 (2021).

  9. Xiaozhe Yang, Xu Yang, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Kazuya Yamamura

    Dominant factors and their action mechanisms on material removal rate in electrochemical mechanical polishing of 4H-SiC (0001) surface

    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 562, pp. 150130 1-17 (2021).

  10. Rongyan Sun, Atsunori Nozoe, Junji Nagahashi, Kenta Arima, Kentaro Kawai, Kazuya Yamamura

    Novel highly-efficient and dress-free polishing technique with plasma-assisted surface modification and dressing

    Precision Engineering, Vol. 72, pp. 224-236 (2021).

  11. Xu Yang, Xiaozhe Yang, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Kazuya Yamamura

    Novel SiC wafer manufacturing process employing three-step slurryless electrochemical mechanical polishing

    Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 70, pp. 350-360 (2021).

  12. Ryo Mikurino, Ayumi Ogasawara, Tomoki Hirano, Yuki Nakata, Hiroto Yamashita, Shaoxian Li, Kentaro Kawai, Kazuya Yamamura, and Kenta Arima

    Catalytic Properties of Chemically Modified Graphene Sheets to Enhance Etching of Ge Surface in Water

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 124, No. 11, pp. 6121-6129 (2020).

  13. Nian Liu, Kohki Sugawara, Naoya Yoshitaka, Hideaki Yamada, Daisuke Takeuchi, Yuko Akabane, Kenichi Fujino, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, and KazuyaYamamura

    Damage‑free highly efficient plasma‑assisted polishing of a 20‑mm square large mosaic single crystal diamond substrate

    Scientific Reports, Vol. 10, pp. 19432 1-7 (2020).

  14. Rongyan Sun, Xu Yang, Kenta Arima, Kentaro Kawai, Kazuya Yamamura

    High-quality plasma-assisted polishing of aluminum nitride ceramic

    CIRP Annals, Vol. 69, No. 1, pp. 301-304 (2020).

  15. Ouki Minami, Ryota Ito, Kohei Hosoo, Makoto Ochi, Yasuhisa Sano, Kentaro Kawai, Kazuya Yamamura, and Kenta Arima

    Improvements in graphene growth on 4H-SiC(0001) using plasma induced surface oxidation

    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 126, No. 6, pp. 065301 1-10 (2019).【Selected as a Featured Article, Full-text link】 

  16. Xu Yang, Rongyan Sun, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, and Kazuya Yamamura

    Surface Modification and Microstructuring of 4H-SiC(0001) by Anodic Oxidation with Sodium Chloride Aqueous Solution

    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. 11, pp. 2535-2542 (2019).

  17. Xiaozhe Yang, Xu Yang, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Kazuya Yamamura

    Ultrasonic-assisted anodic oxidation of 4H-SiC (0001) surface

    Electrochemistry Communications, Vol. 100, pp. 1-5 (2019).

  18. Xu Yang, Xiaozhe Yang, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Kazuya Yamamura

    Highly efficient planarization of sliced 4H-SiC (0001) wafer by slurryless electrochemical mechanical polishing

    International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 144, pp. 103431 1-7 (2019).

  19. Xu Yang, Xiaozhe Yang, Rongyan Sun, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Kazuya Yamamura

    Obtaining Atomically Smooth 4H–SiC (0001) Surface by Controlling Balance Between Anodizing and Polishing in Electrochemical Mechanical Polishing

    Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, Vol. 2, pp. 140-147 (2019).

  20. Rongyan Sun, Xu Yang, Keiichiro Watanabe, Shiro Miyazaki, Toru Fukano, Masanobu Kitada, Kenta Arima, Kentaro Kawai, Kazuya Yamamura

    Etching Characteristics of Quartz Crystal Wafers Using Argon Based Atmospheric Pressure CF4 Plasma Stabilized by Ethanol Addition

    Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, Vol. 2, pp. 168-176 (2019).

  21. Shaoxian Li, Kazuki Nakade, Tomoki Hirano, Kentaro Kawai and Kenta Arima

    Investigation of reaction sequence occurring in graphene-assisted chemical etching of Ge surfaces in water

    Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Vol. 87, pp. 32-36 (2018).

  22. Tomoki Hirano, Kazuki Nakade, Shaoxian Li, Kentaro Kawai and Kenta Arima

    Chemical etching of a semiconductor surface assisted by single sheets of reduced graphene oxide

    Carbon, Vol. 127, pp. 681-687 (2018).

  23. Takumi Hayashi, Kenta Arima, Naoki Yamashita, Seongsu Park, Zhipeng Ma, Osamu Tabata, Kentaro Kawai

    Nanopore Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Materials on SiO2 Membranes Using He Ion Microscopy

    IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 727-730 (2018).

  24. Xu Yang, Rongyan Sun, Yuji Ohkubo, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Katsuyoshi Endo, Kazuya Yamamura

    Investigation of anodic oxidation mechanism of 4H-SiC (0001) for electrochemical mechanical polishing

    Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 271, pp. 666-676 (2018).

  25. Yuki Miyata, Yasunori Nakamukai, Cassia T Azevedo, Miho Morita, Junichi Uchikoshi, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Mizuho Morita

    Photoetching method that provides improved silicon-on-insulator layer thickness uniformity in a defined area

    Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 180, pp. 93-95 (2017).

  26. Daichi Mori, Hiroshi Oka, Takuji Hosoi, Kentaro Kawai, Mizuho Morita, Ethan J. Crumlin, Zhi Liu, Heiji Watanabe, and Kenta Arima

    Comparative study of GeO2/Ge and SiO2/Si structures on anomalous charging of oxide films upon water adsorption revealed by ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 120, No. 9, pp. 095306 1-10 (2016).【Full-text link

  27. Masaki Otani, Kentaro Kawai, Kentaro Tsukamoto, Takabumi Nagai, Kenji Adachi, Junichi Uchikoshi, Kenta Arima, and Mizuho Morita

    Effect of metal particles on the Si etching rate with N-fluoropyridinium salts

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 55, No. 10, pp. 108003 1-3 (2016).

  28. Tatsuya Kawase, Yusuke Saito, Atsushi Mura, Takeshi Okamoto, Kentaro Kawai, Yasuhisa Sano, Mizuho Morita, Kazuto Yamauchi, and Kenta Arima

    Catalyst-assisted Electroless Flattening of Ge Surfaces in Dissolved-O2-containing Water

    ChemElectroChem, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 1656-1659 (2015).

  29. Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Mizuho Morita and Shuichi Shoji

    Microfluidic valve array control system integrating a fluid demultiplexer circuit

    Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 25, pp. 065016 1-7 (2015).

  30. Naoki Saito, Daichi Mori, Akito Imafuku, Keisuke Nishitani, Hiroki Sakane, Kentaro Kawai, Yasuhisa Sano, Mizuho Morita and Kenta Arima

    Aggregation of Carbon Atoms at SiO2/SiC(0001) Interface by Plasma Oxidation toward Formation of Pit-free Graphene

    Carbon, Vol. 80, pp. 440-445 (2014).

  31. Azusa N. Hattori, Ken Hattori, Yuta Moriwaki, Aishi Yamamoto, Shun Sadakuni, Junji Murata, Kenta Arima, Yasuhisa Sano, Kazuto Yamauchi, Hiroshi Daimon, and Katsuyoshi Endo

    Enhancement of photoluminescence efficiency from GaN(0001) by surface treatments

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 021001 1-5 (2014).

  32. Atsushi Mura, Iori Hideshima, Zhi Liu, Takuji Hosoi, Heiji Watanabe, and Kenta Arima

    Water Growth on GeO2/Ge(100) Stack and Its Effect on the Electronic Properties of GeO2

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 117, No. 1, pp. 165-171 (2013).

  33. Tatsuya Kawase, Atsushi Mura, Katsuya Dei, Keisuke Nishitani, Kentaro Kawai, Junichi Uchikoshi, Mizuho Morita and Kenta Arima

    Metal-assisted chemical etching of Ge(100) surfaces in water toward nanoscale patterning

    Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 151 1-7 (2013).

  34. Junichi Uchikoshi, Yoshinori Hayashi, Noritaka Ajari, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima and Mizuho Morita

    Absolute flatness measurements of silicon mirrors by a three-intersection method by near-infrared interferometry

    Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 275 1-7 (2013).

  35. Yasuhisa Sano, Kenta Arima and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Planarization of SiC and GaN Wafers Using Polishing Technique Utilizing Catalyst Surface Reaction

    ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. N3028-N3055 (2013).

  36. Tatsuya Kawase, Atsushi Mura, Keisuke Nishitani, Yoshie Kawai, Kentaro Kawai Junichi Uchikoshi, Mizuho Morita, and Kenta Arima

    Catalytic behavior of metallic particles in anisotropic etching of Ge(100) surfaces in water mediated by dissolved oxygen

    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, No. 12, pp. 126102 1-3 (2012).

  37. Kentaro Tsukamoto, Junichi Uchikoshi, Masaki Otani, Toshinori Hirano, Yutaka Ie, Takabumi Nagai, Kenji Adachi, Kentaro Kawai, Kenta Arima, Mizuho Morita

    Characterization of Si etching with N-fluoropyridinium salt

    Current Applied Physics, Vol. 12, Supplement 3, pp. S29-S32 (2012).

  38. Kentaro Kawai, Masaru Fujii, Junichi Uchikoshi, Kenta Arima, Shuichi Shoji Mizuho Morita

    Continuous generation of femtolitre droplets using multistage dividing microfluidic channel

    Current Applied Physics, Vol. 12, Supplement 3, pp. S33-S37 (2012).

  39. Junji Murata, Shun Sadakuni, Takeshi Okamoto, Azusa N. Hattori, Keita Yagi Yasuhisa Sano, Kenta Arima, Kazuto Yamauchi

    Structural and chemical characteristics of atomically smooth GaN surfaces prepared by abrasive-free polishing with Pt catalyst

    Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 349, No. 1, pp. 83-88 (2012).

  40. Takeshi Okamoto, Yasuhisa Sano, Kazuma Tachibana, Bui Van Pho, Kenta Arima Kouji Inagaki, Keita Yagi, Junji Murata, Shun Sadakuni, Hiroya Asano, Ai Isohashi, and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Improvement of Removal Rate in Abrasive-Free Planarization of 4H-SiC Substrates Using Catalytic Platinum and Hydrofluoric Acid

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 046501 1-4 (2012).

  41. Junji Murata, Takeshi Okamoto, Shun Sadakuni, Azusa N. Hattori, Keita Yagi Yasuhisa Sano, Kenta Arima, and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Atomically Smooth Gallium Nitride Surfaces Prepared by Chemical Etching with Platinum Catalyst in Water

    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 159, No. 4, pp. H417-H420 (2012).

  42. Kenta Arima, Katsuyoshi Endo, Kazuto Yamauchi, Kikuji Hirose, Tomoya Ono, Yasuhisa Sano

    Mechanism of atomic-scale passivation and flattening of semiconductor surfaces by wet-chemical preparations

    Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, Vol. 23, No. 39, pp. 394202 1-14 (2011).【論文中の図面が、当該号の表紙に掲載された。】

  43. Hiroki Sakane, Akina Yoshimatsu, Takushi Shigetoshi, Junichi Uchikoshi, Mizuho Morita and Kenta Arima

    Selective adsorption of organosilane molecules along step edges of atomically flattened Si(111) surfaces

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 2962-2967 (2011).

  44. Katsuya Dei, Tatsuya Kawase, Kazufumi Yoneda, Junichi Uchikoshi, Mizuho Morita and Kenta Arima

    Characterization of terraces and steps on Cl-terminated Ge(111) surfaces after HCl treatment in N2 ambient

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 2968-2972 (2011).

  45. Kazuto Yamauchi, Hidekazu Mimura, Takashi Kimura, Hirokatsu Yumoto Soichiro Handa, Satoshi Matsuyama, Kenta Arima, Yasuhisa Sano, Kazuya Yamamura, Koji Inagaki, Hiroki Nakamori, Jangwoo Kim, Kenji Tamasaku, Yoshinori Nishino, Makina Yabashi and Tetsuya Ishikawa

    Single-nanometer focusing of hard x-rays by Kirkpatrick-Baez mirrors

    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 23, No. 39, pp. 394206 1-9 (2011).

  46. Yuji Kuwahara, Akira Saito, Kenta Arima and Hiromasa Ohmi

    Center of Excellence for Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 2763-2776 (2011).

  47. Junji Murata, Yuki Shirasawa, Yasuhisa Sano, Shun Sadakuni, Keita Yagi Takeshi Okamoto, Azusa N. Hattori, Kenta Arima and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Improved Optical and Electrical Characteristics of Free-Standing GaN Substrates by Chemical Polishing Utilizing Photo-Electrochemical Method

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 2882-2885 (2011).

  48. Azusa N. Hattori, Takeshi Okamoto, Shun Sadakuni, Junji Murata, Hideo Oi Kenta Arima, Yasuhisa Sano, Ken Hattori, Hiroshi Daimon, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Structure and Magnetic Properties of Mono- and Bi-Layer Graphene Films on Ultraprecision Figured 4H-SiC(0001) Surfaces

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 2897-2902 (2011).

  49. Takeshi Okamoto, Yasuhisa Sano, Kazuma Tachibana, Kenta Arima, Azusa N. Hattori, Keita Yagi, Junji Murata, Shun Sadakuni, and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Dependence of Process Characteristics on Atomic-Step Density in Catalyst-Referred Etching of 4H-SiC(0001) Surface

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 2928-2930 (2011).

  50. Shun Sadakuni, Junji Murata, Keita Yagi, Yasuhisa Sano, Takeshi Okamoto Arima Kenta, Azusa N. Hattori, and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Efficient Wet Etching of GaN(0001) Substrate with Subsurface Damage Layer

    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 2979-2982 (2011).

  51. Azusa N. Hattori, Takeshi Okamoto, Shun Sadakuni, Junji Murata, Kenta Arima, Yasuhisa Sano, Ken Hattori, Hiroshi Daimon, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Formation of wide and atomically flat graphene layers on ultraprecision-figured 4H-SiC(0001) surfaces

    Surface Science, Vol. 605, No. 5-6, pp. 597-605 (2011).

  52. Kenta Arima, Peng Jiang, Xingyi Deng, Hendrik Bluhm and Miquel Salmeron

    Water Adsorption, Solvation, and Deliquescence of Potassium Bromide Thin Films on SiO2 Studied by Ambient-Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 114, No. 35, pp. 14900-14906 (2010).【“ANNUAL REPORT OF OSAKA UNIVERSITY Academic Achievement 2010-2011において100 Selected Papersの一つに選ばれた。】

  53. Kentaro Tsukamoto, Junichi Uchikoshi, Shigeharu Goto, Tatsuya Kawase, Noritaka Ajari, Takabumi Nagai, Kenji Adachi, Kenta Arima and Mizuho Morita

    Photoetching of Silicon by N-Fluoropyridinium Salt

    Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. D80-D82 (2010).

  54. Kenta Arima, Peng Jiang, Deng-Sung Lin, Albert Verdaguer, and Miquel Salmeron

    Ion Segregation and Deliquescence of Alkali Halide Nanocrystals on SiO2

    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 113, No. 35, pp. 9715-9720 (2009).【“ANNUAL REPORT OF OSAKA UNIVERSITY Academic Achievement 2009-2010において100 Selected Papersの一つに選ばれた。】

  55. Junji Murata, Shun Sadakuni, Keita Yagi, Yasuhisa Sano, Takeshi Okamoto Kenta Arima, Azusa N. Hattori, Hidekazu Mimura and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Planarization of GaN(0001) Surfaces by Photo-Electrochemical Method with Solid Acidic or Basic Catalyst

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 48, No. 12, pp. 121001 1-4 (2009).

  56. Takaaki HIROKANE, Hideaki HASHIMOTO, Daisuke KANZAKI, Shinichi URABE, Kenta ARIMA, Junichi UCHIKOSHI, and Mizuho MORITA

    Metal-Insulator-Gap-Insulator-Semiconductor Structure for Sensing Devices

    Analytical Sciences, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 101-104 (2009).

  57. Kenta ARIMA, Yuji HIDAKA, Kenji HIWA, Junichi UCHIKOSHI, and Mizuho MORITA

    Development of Surface Hall Potentiometry to Reveal the Variation of Drift Velocity of Carriers in Semiconductor Materials

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 3041-3045 (2008).

  58. Akina Yoshimatsu, Takushi Shigetoshi, Junichi Uchikoshi, Mizuho Morita and Kenta Arima

    Ex situ scanning tunneling microscopy study of Cu nanowires formed by electroless deposition at atomic-step edges of flat Si(111) surfaces

    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 40, No. 6-7, pp. 1134-1137 (2008).

  59. Xing Wu, Junichi Uchikoshi, Takaaki Hirokane, Ryuta Yamada, Akihiro Takeuchi Kenta Arima and Mizuho Morita

    Characterization of Pinhole in Pattened Oxide Buried in Bonded Silicon-on-Insulator Wafers by Near-Infrared Scattering Topography and Transmission Microscopy

    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 155, No. 11, pp. H864-H868 (2008).

  60. Takaaki Hirokane, Daisuke Kanzaki, Hideaki Hashimoto, Shinichi Urabe, Kenta Arima, Junichi Uchikoshi and Mizuho Morita

    Sensing of λDNA solutions by metal-gap-semiconductor devices

    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 40, No. 6-7, pp. 1131-1133 (2008).

  61. Takaaki HIROKANE, Naoto YOSHII, Tatsuya OKAZAKI, Shinichi URABE Kazuo NISHIMURA, Satoru MORITA, Kenta ARIMA, Junichi UCHIKOSHI and Mizuho MORITA

    Characterization of Tunneling Current through Ultrathin Silicon Dioxide Films by Different-Metal Gates Method

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 11, pp. 8317-8320 (2008).

  62. Xing WU, Junichi UCHIKOSHI, Takaaki HIROKANE, Ryuta YAMADA Akihiro TAKEUCHI, Kenta ARIMA and Mizuho MORITA

    Characterization of Patterned Oxide Buried in Bonded Silicon-on-Insulator Wafers by Near-Infrared Scattering Topography and Microscopy

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 2511-2514 (2008).

  63. J. Murata, A. Kubota, K. Yagi, Y. Sano, H. Hara, K. Arima, T. Okamoto H. Mimura, K. Yamauchi

    Chemical planarization of GaN using hydroxyl radicals generated on a catalyst plate in H2O2 solution

    Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 310, No. 7-9, pp. 1637-1641 (2008).

  64. Keita Yagi, Junji Murata, Akihisa Kubota, Yasuhisa Sano, Hideyuki Hara Takeshi Okamoto, Kenta Arima, Hidekazu Mimura, Kazuto Yamauchi

    Catalyst-referred etching of 4HSiC substrate utilizing hydroxyl radicals generated from hydrogen peroxide molecules

    Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 40, No. 6-7, pp. 998-1001 (2008).

  65. Keita YAGI, Junji MURATA, Akihisa KUBOTA, Yasuhisa SANO, Hideyuki HARA, Kenta ARIMA, Takeshi OKAMOTO, Hidekazu MIMURA, and Kazuto YAMAUCHI

    Defect-Free Planarization of 4H-SiC(0001) Substrate Using Reference Plate

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 104-107 (2008).

  66. Junichi UCHIKOSHI, Amane TSUDA, Noritaka AJARI, Taichirou OKAMOTO Kenta ARIMA, and Mizuho MORITA

    Absolute Line Profile Measurements of Silicon Plane Mirrors by Near-Infrared Interferometry

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 12, pp. 8978-8981 (2008).

  67. Kenta Arima, Hideyuki Hara, Junji Murata, Takeshi Ishida, Ryota Okamoto, Keita Yagi, Yasuhisa Sano, Hidekazu Mimura, and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Atomic-scale flattening of SiC surfaces by electroless chemical etching in HF solution with Pt catalyst

    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, No. 20, pp. 202106 1-3 (2007).【“ANNUAL REPORT OF OSAKA UNIVERSITY Academic Achievement 2007-2008において24 Selected Graphicsの一つに選ばれた。】

  68. Takushi Shigetoshi, Haruyuki Inoue, Tsukasa Kawashima, Takaaki Hirokane Toshihiko Kataoka, Mizuho Morita, and Kenta Arima

    Microscratches with Depths of Angstrom Order on Si Wafers Detected by Light Scattering and AFM

    Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. H206-H209 (2007).

  69. Akinobu Teramoto, Tatsufumi Hamada, Masashi Yamamoto, Philippe Gaubert Hiroshi Akahori, Keiichi Nii, Masaki Hirayama, Kenta Arima, Katsuyoshi Endo, Shigetoshi Sugawa, and Tadahiro Ohmi

    Very High Carrier Mobility for High-Performance CMOS on a Si(110) Surface

    IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 1438-1445 (2007).

  70. Hideaki HASHIMOTO, Ryuta YAMADA, Takaaki HIROKANE, Kenta ARIMA Junichi UCHIKOSHI, and Mizuho MORITA

    Photodetective Characteristics of Metal?Oxide?Semiconductor Tunneling Structure with Aluminum Grid Gate

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 46, No. 4B, pp. 2467-2470 (2007).

  71. Noritaka AJARI, Junichi UCHIKOSHI, Takaaki HIROKANE, Kenta ARIMA, and Mizuho MORITA

    Characterization of Void in Bonded Silicon-on-Insulator Wafers by Controlling Coherence Length of Light Source using Near-Infrared Microscope

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 46, No. 4B, pp. 1994-1996 (2007).

  72. Hideyuki Hara, Yasuhisa Sano, Kenta Arima, Keita Yagi, Junji Murata, Akihisa Kubota, Hidekazu Mimura, Kazuto Yamauchi

    Catalyst-referred etching of silicon

    Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 162?165 (2007).

  73. Kenta Arima, Akihisa Kubota, Hidekazu Mimura, Kouji Inagaki, Katsuyoshi Endo Yuzo Mori and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Highly resolved scanning tunneling microscopy study of Si(001) surfaces flattened in aqueous environment

    Surface Science, Vol. 600, No. 15, pp. L185-L188 (2006).

  74. Kenta ARIMA, Kenji HIWA, Ryoji NAKAOKA and Mizuho MORITA

    Surface Hall Potentiometry for Characterizing Semiconductor Films

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 4B, pp. 3601-3605 (2006).

  75. Jun Katoh, Kenta Arima, Akihisa Kubota, Hidekazu Mimura, Kouji Inagaki, Yuzo Mori Kazuto Yamauchi, and Katsuyoshi Endo

    Atomic-Scale Evaluation of Si(111) Surfaces Finished by the Planarization Process Utilizing SiO2 Particles Mixed with Water

    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 153, No. 6, pp. G560-G565 (2006).

  76. Kenta Arima, Takushi Shigetoshi, Hiroaki Kakiuchi, Mizuho Morita

    Surface photovoltage measurements of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous Si films on Si wafers on the nanometer scale

    Physica B, Vol. 376-377, pp. 893-896 (2006).

  77. Shuhei Nishikawa, Hideaki Hashimoto, Motonori Chikamoto, Kosuke Horikoshi Minoru Aoki, Kenta Arima, Junichi Uchikoshi and Mizuho Morita

    Photo current through SnO2/SiC/p-Si(100) Structures

    Thin Solid Films, Vol. 508, No. 1-2, pp. 385-388 (2006).

  78. Yasuhisa SANO, Masayo WATANABE, Kazuya YAMAMURA, Kazuto YAMAUCHI Takeshi ISHIDA, Kenta ARIMA, Akihisa KUBOTA and Yuzo MORI

    Polishing Characteristics of Silicon Carbide by Plasma Chemical Vaporization Machining

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, No. 10B, pp. 8277-8280 (2006).


    Novel Abrasive-Free Planarization of 4H-SiC (0001) Using Catalyst

    Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 35, No. 8, pp. L11-L14 (2006).

  80. 井上晴行、片岡俊彦、長尾祥浩、押鐘寧、中野元博、越智保文、有馬健太、森田瑞穂


    精密工学会誌, Vol. 72, No. 11, pp. 1363-1367 (2006).

  81. Kenta Arima, Jun Katoh, Shinya Horie, Katsuyoshi Endo, Tomoya Ono Shigetoshi Sugawa, Hiroshi Akahori, Akinobu Teramoto, and Tadahiro Ohmi

    Hydrogen termination of Si(110) surfaces upon wet cleaning revealed by highly resolved scanning tunneling microscopy

    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 98, No. 10, pp. 103525 1-8 (2005).【“ANNUAL REPORT OF OSAKA UNIVERSITY Academic Achievement 2005-2006において100 Selected Papersの一つに選ばれた。】

  82. Shinya Horie, Kenta Arima, Kikuji Hirose, Jun Katoh, Tomoya Ono and Katsuyoshi Endo

    First-principles study on scanning tunneling microscopy images of different hydrogen-terminated Si(110) surfaces

    Physical Review B, Vol. 72, No. 11, pp. 113306 1-4 (2005).


    Preparation of Ultrasmooth and Defect-Free 4H-SiC(0001) Surfaces by Elastic Emission Machining

    Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 439-443 (2005).

  84. Kenta Arima, Jun Katoh and Katsuyoshi Endo

    Atomic-scale analysis of hydrogen-terminated Si(110) surfaces after wet cleaning

    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No. 25, pp. 6254-6256 (2004).【Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technologyに再録された。】

  85. Kenta Arima, Hiroaki Kakiuchi, Manabu Ikeda, Katsuyoshi Endo, Mizuho Morita and Yuzo Mori

    Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy observation of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon surface under light irradiation

    Surface Science, Vol. 572, No. 2-3, pp. 449-458 (2004).

  86. Kenta ARIMA, Hiroaki KAKIUCHI, Manabu IKEDA, Katsuyoshi ENDO Mizuho MORITA and Yuzo MORI

    Visible Light Irradiation Effects on STM Observations of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Surfaces

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 43, No. 4B, pp.1891-1895 (2004).

  87. 山内和人、三村秀和、久保田章亀、有馬健太、稲垣耕司、遠藤勝義、森勇藏

    EEM(Elastic Emission Machining)によるSi(001)表面の平坦化(第2報) : 加工表面の原子像観察と構造評価

    精密工学会誌, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 547-551 (2004).

  88. Akihito SHINOZAKI, Kenta ARIMA, Mizuho MORITA, Isao KOJIMA, and Yasushi AZUMA

    FTIR-ATR Evaluation of Organic Contaminant Cleaning Methods for SiO2 Surfaces

    ANALYTICAL SCIENCES, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 1557-1559 (2003).

  89. Katsuyoshi ENDO, Tomoya ONO, Kenta ARIMA, Yuji UESUGI, Kikuji HIROSE and Yuzo MORI

    Atomic-Structure of Si(001)-c(4×4) Formed by Heating Processes after Wet Cleaning and Its First-Principles Study

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 42, No. 7B, pp. 4646-4649 (2003).

  90. Katsuyoshi Endo, Kenta Arima, Kikuji Hirose, Toshihiko Kataoka, and Yuzo Mori

    Atomic image of hydrogen-terminated Si(001) surfaces after wet cleaning and its first-principles study

    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 91, No. 7, pp. 4065-4072 (2002).

  91. Kenta Arima, Katsuyoshi Endo, Toshihiko Kataoka, Yasushi Oshikane, Haruyuki Inoue and Yuzo Mori

    Atomically resolved scanning tunneling microscopy of hydrogen-terminated Si(001) surfaces after HF cleaning

    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 76, No. 4, pp.463-465 (2000).

  92. K. Arima, K. Endo, T. Kataoka, Y. Oshikane, H. Inoue, and Y. Mori

    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Hydrogen-terminated Si(001) Surfaces after Wet Cleaning

    Surface Science, Vol.446, No.1-2, pp.128-136 (2000).

  93. Kenta Arima, Katsuyoshi Endo, Toshihiko Kataoka, Kikuji Hirose, Hidekazu Goto, Yasushi Oshikane, Haruyuki Inoue, Yoshitaka Tatara, Yuzo Mori

    Observation of metal on Si(001) by STM/STS and its consideration based on the first principles calculations

    Computational Materials Science, Vol. 14, No. 1-4, pp. 236-240 (1999).

  94. Katsuyoshi Endo, Kenta Arima, Toshihiko Kataoka, Yasushi Oshikane, Haruyuki Inoue and Yuzo Mori

    Atomic Structures of Hydrogen-Terminated Si(001) Surfaces After Wet Cleaning by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

    Applied Physics Letters, Vol.73, No.13, pp.1853-1855 (1998).

  95. K. Endo, K. Arima, T. Kataoka, K. Hirose, Y. Oshikane, H. Inoue, H. Kuramochi, T. Sato, and Y. Mori

    STM/STS and the First Principles Calculations on Al/Si(001)-2×1

    Applied Physics A, Vol. 66, No. 1 Supplement, pp. S145-S148 (1998).


  1. 三栗野諒、小笠原歩見、川合健太郎、山村和也、有馬健太


    表面と真空、64巻、8号、pp. 352-357 (2021).

  2. 有馬健太


    化学工業、72巻、2号、pp. 77-83 (2021).

  3. 有馬健太


    表面と真空、62巻、8号、p. 469 (2019).

  4. 有馬健太


    表面科学、38巻、7号、pp. 330-335 (2017).

  5. 佐野泰久、有馬健太、山内和人


    砥粒加工学会誌、61巻、8号、pp. 426-429 (2017).

  6. 有馬健太

    洗浄技術のコツ ~Si表面のウェット洗浄~

    応用物理、84巻、11号、pp. 1009-1012 (2015).

  7. 有馬健太、川合健太郎、森田瑞穂


    表面科学、36巻、7号、pp. 369-374 (2015).

  8. 有馬健太


    Journal of The Vacuum Society of Japan誌、58巻、1号、pp. 20-26 (2015).

  9. 有馬健太


    精密工学会誌、80巻、5号、pp. 452-456 (2014).

  10. 堤建一(インタビュア:有馬健太)


    精密工学会誌、80巻、5号、pp. 425-428 (2014).

  11. 山内和人、佐野泰久、有馬健太

    ウェットエッチングによる原子スケール平坦化 -触媒表面基準エッチング法の開発-

    応用物理、82巻、5号、pp. 403-406 (2013).

  12. 龍田康登(インタビュア:有馬健太、芦田極)


    精密工学会誌、79巻、1号、pp. 3-6 (2013).

  13. 山内和人、佐野泰久、有馬健太

    触媒表面基準エッチングによる単結晶SiC, GaN, ZnO表面の平滑化

    表面科学、33巻、6号、pp. 334-338 (2012).【日本表面科学会 会誌賞 受賞(2013年度)】

  14. 山内和人、佐野泰久、有馬健太

    触媒表面基準エッチングによる単結晶SiC, GaN表面の平滑化

    精密工学会誌、78巻、11号、pp. 947-951 (2012).

  15. 有馬健太、Hendrik Bluhm、Miquel Salmeron


    表面科学、32巻、6号、pp. 368-373 (2011).

  16. 佐野泰久、有馬健太、山内和人


    光技術コンタクト、49巻、12号、pp. 22-27 (2011).

  17. 服部 梓、岡本武志、定國 峻、村田順二、有馬健太、佐野泰久、遠藤勝義、山内和人

    超平坦化加工を施した4H-SiC(0001)表面 -高品質グラフェン作製への応用-

    表面科学、31巻、9号、pp. 466-473 (2010).

  18. 山内和人、佐野泰久、有馬健太

    触媒基準エッチング法(CAtalyst Referred Etching: CARE)の開発

    機械と工具、53巻、8号、pp. 20-24 (2009).

  19. 佐野泰久、原英之、有馬健太、山内和人


    トライボロジスト、55巻、3号、pp. 148-153 (2010).

  20. 原英之、佐野泰久、有馬健太、山内和人


    応用物理, Vol. 77, pp. 168-171 (2008).

  21. 桑原裕司、有馬健太、赤井恵、齋藤彰、遠藤勝義、青野正和

    ナノ材料・表面の原子構造・機能評価 -STMをベースにした新規計測手法の開発とその応用-

    超精密, Vol. 15, pp. 70-75 (2006).

  22. 有馬健太、遠藤勝義、片岡俊彦、森勇藏


    シリコンテクノロジー, Vol. 17, pp. 10-13 (2000).

  23. K. Endo, K. Arima, T. Kataoka, Y. Oshikane, H. Inoue, K. Koba, K. Hirose, Y. Mori

    STM/STS observations and first-principles simulations of metal adsorbed Si(001) surfaces

    Technology Reports of the Osaka University, Vol. 50, pp. 41-47 (2000).


  1. 有馬健太

    第4章 半導体デバイス製造プロセスを支える表面分析・評価技術 の中の
    第1節 ”固液界面反応/現象により創成される半導体表面の極限評価技術” (pp. 63-75)
    サイエンス&テクノロジー(株)、東京 (2022).

  2. 有馬健太

    第4章 新しいエッチング技術の研究開発動向 中の
    第4節 ”触媒アシストエッチング”(pp. 233-252)
    (株)R&D支援センター、東京 (2022).

  3. 有馬健太

    第2編 薄膜の作成と加工: 第1章 基板と表面処理 中の
    第2節 “半導体基板(Si, Ge, SiC)” (pp. 290-297)
    『2020版 薄膜作製応用ハンドブック』
    (株)エヌ・ティー・エス、東京 (2020).

  4. 有馬健太

    第3部 第1章 1節 “固液界面の電子移動と化学”  (pp. 181-187)
    第3部 第2章 3節 “半導体表面の不動態化構造制御” (pp. 227-236)
    『超精密加工と表面科学 ~原子レベルの生産技術~』
    大阪大学グローバルCOEプログラム 高機能化原子制御製造プロセス教育研究拠点/精密工学会超精密加工専門委員会 編、大阪大学出版会、大阪 (2014).

  5. 有馬健太

    問題4.14 洗浄と純水”  (p. 159)
    『現代表面科学シリーズ 6.問題と解説で学ぶ表面科学』
    日本表面科学会編、共立出版、東京 (2013).


  1. Kenta Arima, Zhida Ma, Tetsuro Takeuchi, Ryuto Hashimoto, Rongyan Sun, Kazuya Yamamura

    Nanotrench Formation along Step Edges of Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces by Wet-chemical Treatments

    Abstract Book & Schedule of 48th Conference on the Physics & Chemistry of Surfaces & Interfaces, Redondo Beach, USA, PCSI-MoM232 (2023).

  2. Junhuan Li, Kouji Inagaki, Rongyan Sun, Kazuya Yamamura, Kenta Arima

    Origin of Rectangular-like Lattice on Nanographene in STM Images Unveiled by First-Principles Calculations

    Abstract Book & Schedule of 48th Conference on the Physics & Chemistry of Surfaces & Interfaces, Redondo Beach, USA, PCSI-WeA242 (2023).

  3. K. Arima, Z. Ma, S. Masumoto, K. Kawai, and K. Yamamura

    Formation and Characterization of Nanotrenches along Step Edges of a Flattened Si Surface by Self-assembled Processes in Solutions

    ICPE (The 19th International Conference on Precision Engineering) 2022 Proceedings, Nara, C182 (2022).

  4. K. Arima, Z. Ma, S. Masumoto, K. Kawai, and K. Yamamura

    Self-assembled Ag Nanowires to Catalyze Nanotrench Formation Along Step Edges on Vicinal Si(111)

    ABSTRACT of The 22nd International Vacuum Congress, Sapporo, Thu-E1-3 (2022).

  5. 【Invited】Kenta Arima, Zhida Ma, Seiya Masumoto, Rongyan Sun, Kazuya Yamamura

    Ag-assisted chemical etching to separate neighboring terraces along step edges on vicinal Si(111) surface

    ABSTRACT BOOK of International Conference on Materials Science, Engineering and Technology, hybrid (Singapore+online), pp. 87-88 (2022).

  6. K. Arima, S. Masumoto, Z. Ma, K. Kawai and K. Yamamura

    Nanogroove Formation By Ag-Assisted Chemical Etching to Separate Neighboring Terraces on Vicinal Si(111)

    Meeting Program of PRiME 2020 (Online) C03-1222 (2020).

  7. 【Invited】Kenta Arima

    Adsorption of Water Molecules on Oxide Surfaces and Its Impact on the Electronic Property of the Oxides Probed by In Situ XPS

    PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS of Collaborative Conference on Materials Science and Technology 2019, Shanghai, China, p. 17 (2019).

  8. 【Invited】Kenta Arima

    Small Holes in Graphene: a Key in Graphene-Assisted Chemical Etching of Semiconductor Surfaces

    PROGRAM & ABSTRACTS of EMN Meeting on Porous Materials 2019, Dubrovnik, Croatia, pp. 19-21 (2019).

  9. K. Arima, R. Ito, O. Minami, K. Hosoo, Y. Sano, and K. Kawai

    Surface Modification of SiC by Plasma Oxidation to Form Graphene/SiC Structure with Low Pit Density

    Abstract Book & Schedule of 45th Conference on the Physics & Chemistry of Surfaces & Interfaces, Kona, USA, p. 31 (2018).

  10. 【Invited】K. Arima, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe and E.J. Crumlin

    Reactivity of Water Vapor with Ultrathin GeO2/Ge and SiO2/Si Structures Investigated by Near-Ambient-Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

    Meeting Program of 232nd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, National Harbor, USA, pp. 118 (2017).
    (ECS Transactions, Vol. 80, No. 2 (15th International Symposium on Semiconductor Cleaning Science and Technology), pp. 131-140 (2017).)

  11. K. Arima, K. Nakade, D. Mori, Y. Saito, K. Kawai, and M. Morita

    Catalysts to Enhance Chemical Etching of Ge Surfaces in Water: From Noble Metals to Reduced Graphene Oxide

    Meeting Program of 231st Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, New Orleans, USA, pp. 165 (2017).
    (ECS Transactions, Vol. 77, No. 4 (Processes at the Semiconductor Solution Interface 7), pp. 127-133 (2017).)

  12. 【Invited】Kenta Arima, Kentaro Kawai and Mizuho Morita

    Atomic-Scale Analysis of Semiconductor Surfaces after Wet-Chemical Treatments Such as Cleaning and Polishing

    Conference Abstract Book of BIT's 6th Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology -2016, Singapore, p. 174 (2016).

  13. K. Arima, K. Hosoo, R. Ito, N. Saito, K. Kawai, Y. Sano, and M. Morita

    Characterization of Aggregated Carbon Compounds at SiO2/SiC Interface after Plasma Oxidation at Near Room Temperature

    Meeting Program of PRiME 2016, Honolulu, USA, p. 283 (2016).

  14. T. Kawase, A. Mura, Y. Saito, T. Okamoto, K. Kawai, Y. Sano, K. Yamauchi, M. Morita, and K. Arima

    Pit Formation, Patterning and Flattening of Ge Surfaces in O2-Containing Water by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching

    Meeting Program of PRiME 2016, Honolulu, USA, pp. 124 (2016).
    (ECS Transactions, Vol. 75, No. 1 (Pits & Pores 7: Nanomaterials - Fabrication Processes, Properties, and Applications), pp. 107-112 (2016).)

  15. 【Invited】Kenta Arima, Yoshie Kawai, Kentaro Kawai and Mizuho Morita

    Ion Segregation in Deliquesced Droplets of Alkali Halide Nanocrystals on SiO2 Approached by both Surface Science Techniques and Electrical Characteristics

    Program of Collaborative Conference on 3D & Materials Research, Incheon/Seoul, South Korea, pp. 223-226 (2016).

  16. 【Invited】Kenta Arima

    Segregation of ions in deliquesced droplets of alkali-halide nano-crystals on SiO2

    Proceedings of International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Chemistry (Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2), Valencia, Spain, p. 69 (2016).

  17. K. Arima, D. Mori, Y. Saito, H. Oka, K. Kawai, T. Hosoi, M. Morita, H. Watanabe and Z. Liu

    Origin of Anomalous Positive Charging of Water-adsorbed Thin GeO2 Films Studied by Ambient-pressure XPS

    Program and Exhibition of 16th European Conference on Application of Surface and Interface Analysis, Granada, Spain, p. 254 (2015).

  18. Kenta Arima, Tatsuya Kawase, Atsushi Mura, Kentaro Kawai, Yasuhisa Sano, Kazuto Yamauchi and Mizuho Morita

    Metal-Assisted Etching of Ge Surfaces in Water: From Pit Formation to Flattening

    Program of 2015 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, USA, p. 329 【OO2.03】 (2015).

  19. K. Arima, Y. Kawai, Y. Minoura, Y. Saito, D. Mori, H. Oka, K. Kawai, T. Hosoi, Z. Liu, H. Watanabe, and M. Morita

    Ambient-Pressure XPS Study of GeO2/Ge(100) and SiO2/Si(100) at Controlled Relative Humidity

    Meeting Program of 226th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 71 (2014).
    (ECS Transactions, Vol. 64, No. 8 (Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 12), pp. 77-82 (2014).)

  20. N. Saito, D. Mori, A. Imafuku, K. Kawai, Y. Sano, M. Morita, and K. Arima

    Behaviors of Carbon Atoms during Plasma Oxidation of 4H-SiC(0001) Surfaces near Room Temperature

    Meeting Program of 226th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 72 (2014).
    (ECS Transactions, Vol. 64, No. 17 (State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 56), pp. 23-28 (2014).)

  21. 【Invited】Kenta Arima, Naoki Saito, Daichi Mori, Kentaro Kawai, Mizuho Morita and Yasuhisa Sano

    Combination of Plasma Oxidation and Wet Etching to Create Monolayer-scale C Source for Pit-free Graphene on SiC Surfaces

    Program of Collaborative Conference on 3D & Materials Research 2014, Incheon/Seoul, South Korea, pp. 248-249 (2014).

  22. 【Invited】Kenta Arima, Kentaro Kawai, and Mizuho Morita

    Understanding Water Interaction with Ge Surfaces: From Wetting to Machining

    Conference Abstract Book of BIT's 3rd Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials 2014, Chongqing, China, p. 260 (2014).

  23. Kenta Arima, Naoki Saito, Kentaro Kawai, Yasuhisa Sano and Mizuho Morita

    Accumulation of C Atoms at SiO2/SiC Interface by Plasma Oxidation of 4H-SiC(0001) at Room Temperature: Toward Formation of Pit-Free Graphene

    PROGRAM of 2014 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, USA, p. 292 【DD7.05】 (2014).

  24. K. Arima, A. Mura, I. Hideshima, T. Hosoi, H. Watanabe and Z. Liu

    Interaction of Water Vapor with GeO2/Ge(100) Revealed by In Situ XPS under Controlled Relative Humidity

    Abstracts of 15th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Forte Village, Italy, p. 139 (2013).

  25. 【Invited】Kenta Arima, Kentaro Kawai, Takuji Hosoi, Junichi Uchikoshi, Zhi Liu, Heiji Watanabe, and Mizuho Morita

    Nanoscale Interaction of Water with Germanium Surfaces: Wetting, Etching and Machining properties

    Program and Abstract of Collaborative Conference on 3D & Materials Research, Jeju, South Korea, pp. 125-127 (2013).

  26. 【Invited】Kenta Arima, Atsushi Mura, Iori Hideshima, Takuji Hosoi Heiji Watanabe, Zhi Liu

    Effect of Water Growth on Quality of GeO2/Ge Revealed by in-situ XPS

    Program of Symposium on Surface and Nano Science 2013, Zao/Yamagata, p. 7 (2013).

  27. K. Arima, K. Nishitani, N. Saito, K. Kawai, J. Uchikoshi, K. Yamauchi, Y. Sano and M. Morita

    Low temperature growth of graphene on 4H-SiC(0001) flattened by catalyst-assisted etching in HF solution

    Abstract Book of 24th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society held jointly with 29th European Conference on Surface Science, Edinburgh, UK, p. 145 (2012).

  28. K. Arima, T. Kawase, A. Mura, Y. Kawai, K. Kawai, J. Uchikoshi and M. Morita

    Metal-induced anisotropic etching of Ge(100) surfaces in water with dissolved oxygen

    Abstract Book of 24th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society held jointly with 29th European Conference on Surface Science, Edinburgh, UK, p. 467 (2012).

  29. Kenta Arima, Naoki Saito, Hiroaki Nishikawa, Yasuhisa Sano, Kentaro Kawai, Junichi Uchikoshi, Kazuto Yamauchi, and Mizuho Morita

    Low Temperature Growth of Graphene on Atomically Flat SiC Assisted by Plasma Oxidation

    Extended Abstracts of Fifth International Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology, Osaka, pp. 10-11 (2012).

  30. Kenta Arima, Tatsuya Kawase, Keisuke Nishitani, Atsushi Mura, Kentaro Kawai, Junichi Uchikoshi, and Mizuho Morita

    Catalytic Behavior of Metallic Particles in Pit Formation of Ge(100) Surfaces in Water

    Abstracts of 220th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, USA, pp. 2063 (2012).
    ECS Transactions, Vol. 41, No. 5 (Semiconductor Cleaning Science and Technology 12), pp. 171-178 (2011).)

  31. Hiroki Sakane, Keisuke Nishitani, Azusa N. Hattori, Takeshi Okamoto, Kentaro Kawai, Junichi Uchikoshi, Yasuhisa Sano, Mizuho Morita, Kazuto Yamauchi, and Kenta Arima

    Graphene Formation on 4H-SiC(0001) Surface Flattened by Catalyst-Assisted Chemical Etching in HF Solution

    Abstracts of 220th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Boston, USA, pp. 2065 (2012).
    ECS Transactions, Vol. 41, No. 6 (State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 53), pp. 241-248 (2011).)

  32. K. Arima, P. Jiang, D.-S. Lin, A. Verdaguer, H. Bluhm and M. Salmeron

    Ion Segregation and Deliquescence of Alkali Halide Nanocrystals on SiO2 Revealed by Scanning Polarization Force Microscopy

    Technical Program of AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition, New Mexico, USA, p. 148 (2010).

  33. K. Arima

    Water Adsorption, Deliquescence and Ion Segregation of Alkali Halide Thin Films on SiO2

    Extended Abstracts of Third International Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology, Osaka, pp. 56-57 (2010).

  34. K. Arima, K. Dei, T. Kawase, K. Yoneda, J. Uchikoshi and M. Morita

    Step/terrace Structures of HCl-treated Ge(111) Surfaces Revealed by STM

    Extended Abstracts of First International Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology, Osaka, pp. 162-163 (2009).

  35. Kenta Arima and Mizuho Morita

    Development of wet-chemical procedures to control emerging semiconductor surfaces on the atomic scale

    Extended Abstracts of International 21st Century COE Symposium on Atomistic Fabrication Technology 2007, Osaka, pp. 51-52 (2007).

  36. Kenta Arima, Ryosuke Suga, Hideyuki Hara, Junji Murata, Keita Yagi Hidekazu Mimura, Yasuhisa Sano and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Atomically Resolved STM Study of 4H-SiC(0001) Surfaces Flattened by Chemical Etching in HF solutions with Pt Catalyst

    Technical Digest of International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2007, Ohtsu, pp. We 28-29 (2007).

  37. Kenta Arima, Takushi Shigetoshi, Haruyuki Inoue, Tsukasa Kawashima, Takaaki Hirokane, Toshihiko Kataoka and Mizuho Morita

    Nano-scale Characterization of Surface Defects on Polished Si Wafers by Atomic Force Microscopy Combined with Laser Light Scattering

    Program of 2007 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, USA, C8.2 (2007).
    (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 991 (Advances and Challenges in Chemical Mechanical Planarization), pp. 0991-C08-02 1-6 (2007).)

  38. Kenta Arima, Hideyuki Hara, Keita Yagi, Ryota Okamoto, Hidekazu Mimura, Akihisa Kubota and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Atomic-scale Characterization of HF-treated 4H-SiC(0001)1x1 Surfaces by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

    Program of 2007 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco, USA, H7.6 (2007).
    (Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 996E (Characterization of Oxide/Semiconductor Interfaces for CMOS Technologies), pp. 0996-H07-06 1-6 (2007).)

  39. 【Invited】Kenta Arima and Kazuto Yamauchi

    Formation of Atomically Flat 4H-SiC(0001) Surfaces by Wet-chemical Preparations

    ABSTRACTS of Handai Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Symposium 2006, Osaka, pp. 31-32 (2006).

  40. Kenta Arima and Mizuho Morita

    Atomic-scale Characterization of Semiconductor Surfaces after Wet Cleaning

    Extended Abstracts of International 21st Century COE symposium on Atomistic Fabrication Technology, Osaka, pp.59-60 (2006).

  41. Kenta Arima, Kazuto Yamauchi, Hidekazu Mimura, Akihisa Kubota, Kouji Inagaki, Yuzo Mori, and Katsuyoshi Endo

    Atomic-level STM analyses of Si(001) surfaces prepared in aqueous environment

    Abstract Book of 33rd Conference on the Physics & Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces, Cocoa Beach, USA, Mo1355 (2006).

  42. Kenta Arima and Katsuyoshi Endo

    Atomic-scale Control of Semiconductor Surfaces in Aqueous Environment for Nano-scale Devices

    ABSTRACTS of Handai Nanoscience and Nanotechnology International Symposium, Osaka, pp. 22-23 (2006).

  43. Kenta Arima, Kenji Hiwa, Ryoji Nakaoka and Mizuho Morita

    Surface Hall Potentiometry to Characterize Functional Semiconductor Films

    Extended Abstracts of the 2005 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Kobe, pp. 378-379 (2005).

  44. K. Arima, J. Katoh and K. Endo

    Atomic Images of H-Terminated Si(110)-(1x1) Surfaces by Wet Cleaning

    Abstracts of 13th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/ Spectroscopy and Related Techniques, Sapporo, p. 360 (2005).

  45. K. Arima, K. Yamauchi, H. Mimura, A. Kubota, K. Inagaki, Y. Mori and K. Endo

    Atomic-Scale Evaluation of Si(001) Surfaces Finished by Novel Global Planarization Process

    Abstracts of 13th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/ Spectroscopy and Related Techniques, Sapporo, p. 335 (2005).

  46. K. Arima, T. Shigetoshi, H. Kakiuchi and M. Morita

    Surface photovoltage measurements of amorphous Si films on Si wafers by STM/STS

    Program and Abstracts of the 23rd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, Awaji, p. 379 (2005).

  47. Kenta Arima, Jun Katoh and Katsuyoshi Endo

    Hydrogen Termination of the Si(110) Surface by Wet Cleaning Revealed by Atomically Resolved Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

    Program of 2005 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Q5-8 (2005).

  48. Kenta Arima, Hiroaki Kakiuchi, Manabu Ikeda, Katsuyoshi Endo, Mizuho Morita and Yuzo Mori

    Scanning tunneling microscopy observations of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon surface under visible light irradiation

    Program and Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures, Nara, p. 256 (2003).

  49. Kenta Arima, Hiroaki Kakiuchi, Manabu Ikeda, Katsuyoshi Endo, Mizuho Morita and Yuzo Mori

    Visible Light Irradiation Effects on Atomic-Scale Observations of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

    Extended Abstracts of the 2003 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Tokyo, pp. 500-501 (2003).

  50. K. Arima, K. Endo, K. Hirose, T. Kataoka and Y. Mori

    Effect of wet cleaning on hydrogen termination of the Si(001) surface in an atomic scale

    Technical Program & Abstracts of STM'01, Vancouver, Canada, p. 145 (2001).

  51. Katsuyoshi Endo, Kenta Arima, Toshihiko Kataoka, Yasushi Oshikane, Haruyuki Inoue, Kenji Koba, Kikuji Hirose, and Yuzo Mori

    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy Observations of Metal Adsorbed Si(001)2×1 Surfaces

    Precision Science and Technology for Perfect Surfaces (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Production Engineering) Osaka, pp. 843-848 (1999).

  52. Katsuyoshi Endo, Kenta Arima, Toshihiko Kataoka, Yasushi Oshikane, Haruyuki Inoue, Kenji Koba, Hiroki Nakahama, and Yuzo Mori

    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Observations of Hydrogen Terminated Si(001) Surfaces after Wet Cleaning

    Precision Science and Technology for Perfect Surfaces (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Production Engineering) Osaka, pp. 485-490 (1999).

  53. K. Endo, K. Arima, T. Kataoka, K. Hirose, Y. Oshikane, H. Inoue, H. Kuramochi, T. Sato, Y. Mori

    STM/STS and the first principles calculations on Al/Si(001)2×1

    Program of 9th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/ Spectroscopy and Related Techniques, Hamburg, Germany, p. 11 (1997).

  54. Katsuyoshi Endo, Toshihiko Kataoka, Yuzo Mori, Kohji Inagaki, Yasushi Oshikane, Haruyuki Inoue, Kenta Arima, Yuichi Masuda, and Yoshitaka Tatara

    Observation of Metal Atoms Adsorbed on H-Terminated Si(001) Surfaces by STM/STS

    Proceedings of 1996 the Japan-China Bilateral Symposium on Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, Kanagawa, pp. 141-146 (1996).

  55. Katsuyoshi Endo, Toshihiko Kataoka, Yuzo Mori, Kohji Inagaki, Yasushi Oshikane, Haruyuki Inoue, Kenta Arima, Yuichi Masuda, and Yoshitaka Tatara

    Observation of Metal Atoms Adsorbed on H-Terminated Si(001) Surfaces by STM/STS and Its Consideration Based on Ab-Initio Molecular Orbital Calculations

    Proceedings of the MRS-J, Makuhari, p. 189 (1996).


  1. 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(A)〔令和4年度~令和7年度〕

  2. 科学研究費補助金 挑戦的研究(萌芽)〔令和3年度~令和5年度〕

  3. 公益財団法人 三豊科学技術振興協会 研究助成〔令和2年度〕

  4. 公益財団法人 大倉和親記念財団 研究助成 〔令和元年度〕

  5. 公益財団法人 東電記念財団 研究助成〔平成31年度~令和2年度〕

  6. 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)〔平成31年度~令和3年度〕

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  13. 公益財団法人 カシオ科学振興財団 研究助成〔平成29年度〕

  14. 科学研究費補助金 挑戦的萌芽研究〔平成28年度~29年度〕

  15. 公益社団法人 御器谷科学技術財団 研究開発助成〔平成27年度〕

  16. 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)〔平成27年度~29年度〕

  17. 公益財団法人 村田学術振興財団 研究助成〔平成27年度〕

  18. 科学研究費補助金 挑戦的萌芽研究〔平成26年度~27年度〕

  19. 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(A)〔平成24年度~26年度〕

  20. 科学研究費補助金 挑戦的萌芽研究〔平成24年度~26年度〕

  21. 公益財団法人 住友電工グループ社会貢献基金 学術・研究助成〔平成24年度〕

  22. 財団法人 一樹工業技術奨励会 研究助成〔平成24年度〕

  23. 公益財団法人 天野工業技術研究所 研究助成〔平成24年度〕

  24. 公益財団法人 大澤科学技術振興財団 研究助成〔平成23年度〕

  25. 公益財団法人 池谷科学技術振興財団 研究助成〔平成23年度〕

  26. 公益財団法人 マザック財団 研究助成〔平成22年度〕

  27. 公益財団法人 泉科学技術振興財団 研究助成〔平成21年度〕

  28. 公益財団法人 山田科学振興財団 長期間派遣援助〔平成20年度〕

  29. 科学研究費補助金 特定領域研究(公募研究)〔平成19年度〕

  30. 一般財団法人 材料科学技術振興財団 研究助成〔平成19年度〕

  31. 公益財団法人 徳山科学技術振興財団 研究助成〔平成19年度〕

  32. 公益財団法人 稲盛財団 研究助成〔平成19年度〕

  33. 公益財団法人 日本証券奨学財団 研究調査助成〔平成19年度〕

  34. 公益財団法人 マツダ財団 研究助成〔平成18年度〕

  35. 公益財団法人 関西エネルギー・リサイクル科学研究振興財団 研究助成〔平成17年度〕

  36. 公益財団法人 矢崎科学技術振興記念財団 奨励研究助成〔平成17年度〕

  37. 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)〔平成17年度~18年度〕

  38. 一般財団法人 大阪大学後援会 研究助成〔平成16年度〕

  39. 公益財団法人 日産財団 研究助成〔平成16年度〕

  40. 公益財団法人 島津科学技術振興財団 研究開発助成〔平成16年度〕

  41. 公益財団法人 村田学術振興財団 研究助成〔平成14年度〕

  42. 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B)〔平成15年度~16年度〕

  43. 科学研究費補助金 奨励研究(A)→ 若手研究(B)〔平成13年度~14年度〕